Why Join DC Latino Caucus or Renew Your Yearly Membership?

Your support by becoming a member, or by renewing your membership, helps to ensure that the DC Latino Caucus provides the advocacy that our community needs and deserves. As an active member, you get to:

  • Participate in DC candidate forums and vote on endorsing candidates that will best represent our community.

  • Vote, or run for, the two representatives that represent DCLC before the DC Democratic State Committee.

  • Have a voice in advocating for Latino issues and DC statehood.

  • Apply to join DCLC Board.

  • Receive our newsletter, announcements, and invitations to special events.

Any individual that supports our mission of promoting the political participation of Latinos at all levels of the DC government and the DC Democratic Party is eligible to join.


Become a Member or Renew Your Yearly Membership

To become a member or renew your yearly membership, please begin by filling out the form below. You will then be re-directed to ActBlue. Membership requires a minimum $25 donation. Your application is complete once your donation is processed. Active membership lasts until the end of the calendar year.